Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wrap up

Well I am finally finished this training, it has taken a while to complete but I am so glad it’s done. I moaned through most of the 10 lessons but in the end I am pleased I completed the whole Web 2.0 training and that I did not give up as I wanted to do many times.
Out of all the topics covered I had only used Youtube before – never blogged, nor used twitter or facebook (although of course knew of them) and had never heard of RSS, Wiki, Delicious, Librarything and Geocaching. Even though I am unlikely to use some of the things I learnt about again, it is good to keep up with technologies and at least know of them.


Geocaching, another term I had not heard of before, a treasure hunt using a GPS device to find hidden caches.
I can’t say I was too impressed personally with geocaching. I did look up sights nearby but can think of other things to do than go looking for caches but I guess there are people who do or would enjoy finding them.
I’m not sure about using it to promote the library as I noticed with Notre Dame (US) 225 students signed up, 40 found at least some and only 26 found all - and that was with prize incentives. Maybe it could be used when a new library is opened.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Podcasts are a great tool for libraries to video guest speakers for those members who cannot attend the event. Libraries have some interesting speakers and demonstrations that when put on podcast would only enhance customer service as many are unable to attend in person due to prior commitments. You could also add links to podcasts that could be interesting and relevant to libraries.
I personally like the idea of listening to podcasts from the ABC . If you catch the end of an interview or discussion on the radio and want to hear the whole thing just go to the ABC site and listen to the podcast.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Online video

I think everyone loves youtube. Finding a video you want is as easy as performing a keyword search and watching it a mere click of Play button. Even my husband who does not use the computer very much loves to use youtube - he listens and watches bands of yesteryear much to my teenagers dismay. Youtube also lets you send video links to your friends, my daughter is often kept amused on the train by the funny clips that are sent to her iphone. Lots could be said about the merits of youtube...but for the library?
Well one idea is that it could be a useful tool for giving viewers a visual on what the library looks like. Each branch could be featured showing basic layout and what resources available eg internets, catalogue, local history, council information, and of course the friendly staff!
Watch the clip below maybe the branch librarian could sing while giving the tour of your library.